Livestock Wala'au

MINI-S2 Ep 05 FRSAN Workshops & Updates

August 04, 2022 Season 2 Episode 5
MINI-S2 Ep 05 FRSAN Workshops & Updates
Livestock Wala'au
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Livestock Wala'au
MINI-S2 Ep 05 FRSAN Workshops & Updates
Aug 04, 2022 Season 2 Episode 5

Aloha and thank you for tuning in for another MINI Livestock Wala'au! In this mini-epsiode we are talking about some upcoming CTAHR workshops and UH updates as campus and classes will begin soon! Also coming up this month in our full episode we will talking with Sheep and Goat Specialist, Susan Shoenian, from the University of Maryland's Western Maryland Research & Education Center. 

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Show Notes Transcript

Aloha and thank you for tuning in for another MINI Livestock Wala'au! In this mini-epsiode we are talking about some upcoming CTAHR workshops and UH updates as campus and classes will begin soon! Also coming up this month in our full episode we will talking with Sheep and Goat Specialist, Susan Shoenian, from the University of Maryland's Western Maryland Research & Education Center. 

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Shannon Sand:

Aloha Today's episode is brought to you by the Western extension Risk Management Education Center, USDA NIFA, and the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources and the livestock extension group.

Melelani Oshiro:

Aloha welcome, everyone to livestock Bella, our mini hay podcast scheme to provide educational support information, guidance and outreach to our livestock stakeholders in Hawaii. We are your host, Mele Oshiro and Shannon sand. And today we're just going to be talking about what's going on this month.

Shannon Sand:

So we're going to ask for feedback every month. I feel like because we do want to make sure we're getting that consistently. So we have a evaluation or survey that is live, it is very important that we get your feedback if possible, because it kind of helps us know where we're at. And if we're on the right track, and things like that, have your voice heard.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yes, exactly right. And then just wanted to share, you know, some upcoming workshops we have, that's going to be happening across all islands. And this is the part of a project called the farm and ranch stress Assistance Network. We will be putting on some workshops through CTAHR. On Kauai Island, I'll give you 11 through the 12th which is next week guys. So you stopped having to sign up Hawaii, we will be on holy Island, August 17 through the 19th. So we're going to be visiting three different locations Commonwealth law and corner as well as the Hilo extension office. The corner location will be at the preliminary u h. Westway campus, and preliminary and Maori will be there August 25, to the 26th. And a waffle will be September 8 through the ninth. And we'll include those details, right in the links in the show notes and whatnot. So just a little bit, I guess, Shannon, you want to share a little bit about Farson. And what exactly this workshops will be.

Shannon Sand:

So it covers a wide variety things different production topics so mele will and Kyle Kyros depending on which location, one of the two of them will be covering livestock production related topics, mele I don't remember exactly what yours is focused on if it's feed and nutrition or genetics or what can you

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah, so basically, the workshops kind of stems from a needs assessment that was put out by our group, the seeds of wellbeing are soul project, which is part of the farm and ranch stress assistance and network funding and bigger project that they have going on in states to really be able to provide resources for our producers here. Both farmers, ranchers, and you know, anybody that's working in agriculture, really. So based on that needs assessment, we've identified the top I believe three or four aspects that were stressors identified by you, folks, by your buyer producers. So all the agents extension agents that are in this project will be presenting information on the stressors, and majority of them are on finances, or production management. So those are kind of the areas that we'll be covering. So I feel like this is going to be sort of a newer type of CTAHR workshop because I feel like a lot of the workshops are very focused on one specific entity, whether it's crops or livestock, or sheep and goats or beef, you know, so this is a very kind of, like melting pot, I want to say because that's kind of what we're used to hearing with other ethnicities, but sort of that in different agricultural production, I should say, right, so my, any of us that is on there, like my focus, or my background is in livestock, and my specialty is in livestock. So that's kind of where I will be covering about financing options and production management tools and tips that you can use in your livestock management systems and Shannon, is impasse, wrynose Finance,

Shannon Sand:

budgeting, just kind of a general overview of things and some tools and things for you all to use, you know, so that you can work it into your own system and things like that how

Melelani Oshiro:

to incorporate it right and there's so there's three other extension agents that are also coming and doing presentations you know, and they both are looking two of them are with the edible crops you know, so the talking about different things, so health and all that kind of stuff. So I think it's going to be a very I should be good, great workshop in check out the flyer will be like we said, we'll link all the information in our show notes for you so you can get little more information about what's going on. It's completely free. So you know, there's no commitment Have your time. So you know,

Shannon Sand:

China at least a big island ones. Most of those, with the exception of the Hilo one are happening after working hours. So like, Yeah, after what? Five to 730?

Melelani Oshiro:

To seven? Yes. Yeah. And most I think most of them do have, we're presenting on two days, at least two days on each island. So one of those days will be in the later evening. And the other days, kind of the earlier part or midday. So there's options. Yeah, everybody likes options. Yeah, so I don't know anything else you want to share about that, Shannon?

Shannon Sand:

Not for those that I can think of just check out the flyers and the the Eventbrite for it, it has more information about all the different presenters and speakers. It's like I said, it's a myriad of topics. So it should be good. So and then, August 22, go farm is doing an intro to QuickBooks and Quicken record keeping, because 5:30pm to


30pm, that will be online. So we'll include links to that. When that becomes available. I'm still working with some of them from go farm to get that up. And then a go farm tax basics, which is basically like What records do you need to keep for taxes and some tips and tricks? And like, Oh, should I how do I keep track of my like mileage and stuff and like separate that from like, your personal because those things are important in terms of like, you can take a little extra off that way, you know, so some of those important things, dates, things like that. That will be August 29, from 530 to 7:30pm. Also online, so yeah, so that was the thing is not always the most fun. But like, when it comes down to it, nobody likes to get out of it. And that's their important things


to learn. So is that workshop in person or it's all online? So they're all webinars? So okay, yeah, just to be clear, the forehand workshop is, is in person. So we will be

Shannon Sand:

doing an online option. I think mid September. We're getting that later on.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah. Yeah. So and yeah, so check that out. If you guys any questions about it. Of course, you guys can always email us or whatnot, so and also feel free to shoot us an email. This month. Our guest speaker is Susan showen. from the University of Maryland, while retired, retired, yes, she's a sheep and goat specialist with University of Maryland's Western Research and Education Center, and also a member of the American Consortium for small ruminant parasite control. So we will be talking all about small ruminant parasite control and talking about some tools that you can use and whatnot. So I'm not going to tell you anymore, you're gonna have to listen to the episode if you want to hear and learn more, but has been working with extension and a sheep and goat specialists for over 25 Some years or more. So

Shannon Sand:

she's got a lot of great experience. And yeah, but she's done stuff out here on the islands too, I think Correct?

Melelani Oshiro:

I'm not yet Not yet. Yeah. But she has worked a lot. Yeah, you'll have to check it out. Because she's done a lot of work looking at, you know, genetics and whatnot with meat goats and such and parasite resistance. And, and but but she's worked a lot in the tropics, not specifically here in Hawaii, but in similar climates as us so.

Shannon Sand:

So do we have any updates or news related to I know, we talked last month about the young brothers TB update quarantine? Yeah. Is that still going on? Or what's happening?

Melelani Oshiro:

It's actually a quarantine order. i Why Department of Agriculture. Okay, so that for bovine tuberculosis that's still in effect for molucca II. So just make sure that you're not moving those animals outside of that county. And if you do you need to contact H Doa and get the appropriate forums and such to do that. This is in fact for all ungulates. Yeah, so any evolved animals, the only thing that's excluded is domestic horses. And the other one, also on Maui, there is a plant outbreak of the rabbit and hemorrhagic disease on Maui, which is also also referred to as like the Khaleesi virus. So, you know, be aware of these types of things, if you see unusual or sudden death or you have rabbits that are you know, coming up with these clinical signs, we will link the announcement in our show notes but if you do see this, you know, make sure that you contact your local veterinarian and you know, are practicing good biosecurity measures within your own animals and flocks and whatnot, you know, making sure you're not transferring things to other areas of your farm or other folks farms. So there is a vaccine that is available to you if you do have animals that you need to or rabbits that you need to protect and what and want to get vaccinated you just need to contact your local veterinarian And, but we will link all that in there. So that's that's on Maui. In my county, as far as we know, I don't know that it has gotten into anywhere else and heard but yeah, we will continue to update and we can put those links for sure in our show notes rack on.

Shannon Sand:

All right. National Livestock days in August. Once coming up literally in the next day. August 5 is national oyster day.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah, and national fajita day is August 18. He does a great especially I was like, I love

Shannon Sand:

fajitas. Yeah. So one of my favorites too is August 20. Is national honeybee day. I love all the local honey and the different varietals here all the honey years

Melelani Oshiro:

Great. Yeah, it is. Yeah. Yeah. And August 31. Not specifically a livestock day, but at national eat outside days. So you know, we thought we'd include it. Get Outside, enjoy some sunshine. Enjoy. You know, those other things that are out there and have a barbecue or something? I don't know. Get some steaks, why not? Right.

Shannon Sand:

Right. Exactly. Exactly. So sounds like a great day to me. So, huh? All right. So make sure you join our Facebook page, the livestock extension group. If you haven't already. We're watching. We can see through this camera. I mean, we only see each other right now, but we're here. Be sure to visit the U h CTAHR. Extension website and our YouTube channel listed in the show notes.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah, and for more information about this or any other topics or even comments, send us an email at a

Shannon Sand:

Before we go show some love for your favorite podcast by leaving us a review on Apple podcasts or anywhere you listen to this podcast and then stay tuned for next month.

Melelani Oshiro:

Thanks again to our sponsors the Western extension Risk Management Education Education Center, USDA NIFA, the livestock extension group and CTAHR all we will