Livestock Wala'au

Mini-S2 Ep 11 Updates & Upcoming Workshops

Season 2 Episode 11

Aloha! In this mini-episode we have some information about upcoming workshops and get ready as the start of the 2023 Legislative season begins. Listen in to hear about some opportunities to attend CTAHR workshops and have your voice heard at the capitol.  

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Episode Resources:  

  • Workshops: More details coming soon!

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Shannon Sand:

Aloha Today's episode is brought to you by the Western extension Risk Management Education Center Rossum, USDA NIFA and the University of Hawaii College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources and the livestock extension group.

Melelani Oshiro:

Aloha. Welcome to the livestock follow our a podcast aims to provide educational support information, guidance and outreach to livestock stakeholders in Hawaii. We are your host, Mele Oshiro and Shannon sand. And today we're going to talk a little bit about what's going on this month and this mini episode.

Shannon Sand:

Right on. So first things first, our feedback fest is continuing on because it's a continuous feedback.

Melelani Oshiro:

We will continue to remind you will

Shannon Sand:

continue to remind you Yeah, because we do want to know what you're interested in what you want to hear, make sure we're providing the appropriate tools, information and educational resources for you. So yeah, have your voice heard? Yeah. Yeah. Trying not to hit this mic. The whole new recordings? Well, not a new recording situation. It's an old recording situation that like we actually can be together. So for the first time in a while, yeah.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah, so CTAHR updates, not too bad. CTAHR updates, but we do have some workshops coming up, actually in March. And they're going to be two different ones. One is on beef production and management workshop, that's going to be a week of March 6 to the 11th. And we're going through three different counties for that one. So it'll be starting in CO E, then to Maui, and off to the Big Island. It'll be the week of March 6. People believe the seventh we are on kawaii Oh fun, the eighth rule or ninth we are on Maui and then ending the week in Big Island, y'all are gonna have a busy couple of weeks, I feel like we are it's a lot to travel back and forth between the islands to do the workshop series. But sometimes we're bringing in a couple of different speakers from the mainland. So they'll be here and it's just easier for us to split it out across the week. So if you want more information about that, either check the links, we'll put all the links and information there and update them as we get the venue's and everything confirmed, and times and agendas and details for the workshops. But that beef one will cover things in marketing, risk management, meat quality stuff, grass finished, mostly focusing on grass finished production. So yeah, check it out, it'd be good. So I'm, this is your save date, march 6, they love it. We'll be doing the beef production. And the following week, we're actually going to have another workshop on poultry. And that's going to be a poultry health and management workshop and also to share about the NPI program, which is the National poultry Improvement Program. And we're going to have that information there. Talk about biosecurity, whatnot, you know, the HPI, which we shared the highly pathogenic avian influenza. That's like a whole mouthful, say, but um, that has spread across mainline states widely, and we'll put the link for the math in there, but it's cons for a lot of states. Yeah. The reason why your eggs right now from the mainland. Say if anybody's watching me those like tiktoks reels or shorts, I was like, well, the $10 a dozen. It's like, no other reason to support local. Yeah. Yeah. So anyways, the poultry workshop, I totally got off track there. But yes, the poultry workshops is going to focus on some of that stuff, basic husbandry management stuff, and also sharing about the NPI program, and biosecurity, of course, for your flocks, that is going to be the week of March 13. Through 18th. So yes, Spring Break weekend, or week, Big Island of Oahu, and then kawaii County. So the details are in the show notes for those workshops, and some of the tentative dates. We don't have a full agenda list of the different topics that can be covered. But in general, that's what it was. That's a lot of topics. I think that'll probably so if you want more information about that, you're always welcome to send me an email and say, hey, put me on the list so that you can get the updates and information registration will be required for both workshops, because there may be a small fee, just depending on where the venues are. And if it's all day, you know, also if beverages are provided, and there's usually not provided and beverages and stuff, so there will be a small fee. But yes, anyways, so look forward to those two workshops coming up in March. And look for the more information in the show notes. The links will all be there.

Shannon Sand:

Yeah, I guess this month, our guest this month, very excited. I always think it's fun to talk to this one. So Dr. Jonathan Dainik, soil health for pasture and forage production. It's it's always like a joy to talk to him. He always has so much like historical and like experiential information and knowledge. And I just, I just always feel like I won. That's not my area of expertise. So I'm always learning something about that. Right. But I was like, I just, I really, really enjoyed. Yeah. Dr. Dunn. So Dr. D.

Melelani Oshiro:

Nick is, so scientists and specialists, and also has a little bit of time in extension as well. And so he's been part of other workshops that we've done with livestock and whatnot. So, yeah, it'll be great episodes and listen in and just talk story with him. And yes, CBDs to share with us. It was a good, good, good conversation. So look forward to that.

Shannon Sand:

Yep. And the beginning of February. There's some exciting stuff, too. So yeah,

Melelani Oshiro:

so an egg Day, February 9, it's an opportunity to meet your senators, meet the legislators that are there, share your concerns, make them aware of issues that are going on, and really make that connection. Even in production. You know, even if you're not a livestock person, you know, just you know, somebody else that's in a bag, this is one way for you make your, your voice heard and be able to have that opportunity. So I'll put a link down for the show note, February 9, that's the day when we to get your voice heard, you know, and it always I think, you know, we always try to stress that, you know, coming to us and expressing to us an extension and the agents, what is of concern to you guys, and what kind of things that you you could use help with is, is good and important. So we as extension agents can help provide information to you as far as educational materials when you bring up information or concerns with us, but your voice with the legislators with a senator really powerless. Yeah, always hold more weight. You know, and it it gives a reference to what we have been stressing as well, you know, comes directly from you, folks. So, anyways, if you got the time go to go do you know, get your voice heard, share your concerns with those folks out there that can help introduce and help you on that way that end of the that end of the process. And then I stuck days. I think we have just one lifestyle February, February, and it's really a value added product. I want to say

Shannon Sand:

maybe but it's certainly one of my favorite days. Yeah, that's national chatter Day, February

Melelani Oshiro:


Shannon Sand:

I love cheese.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah, excited. Yeah. So no other days to share about livestock in in February. But anyways, thanks for

Shannon Sand:

a lot of good information. So yeah, make sure to follow us on our social media pages, the livestock Mala Owl and the livestock extension group. If you haven't already, be sure to visit the U H. CTAHR. Extension website and our YouTube channel listed in the show notes. Yes.

Melelani Oshiro:

For additional information about this or any other topics or comments, send us an email at Walaau add and then Thanks again for listening to livestock Fowler.

Shannon Sand:

And before we go show some love to your favorite podcasts. That's us, by the way, and leave us a review anywhere you listen to this podcast and then stay tuned for next month. Yeah,

Melelani Oshiro:

thanks again to our sponsors. The western extension Risk Management Education Center wraps up USDA and the FDA and the livestock extension group and CTAHR Mahalo for listening.