Livestock Wala'au

MINI S3 Ep. 2 FSA Program Updates

Season 3 Episode 2

Aloha! In this mini-episode, we share some upcoming FSA Webinars this month! Listen in to hear about some opportunities to attend our CTAHR Small Ruminant Workshop on Kauai! Also, participate in our Beef Consumer survey!

Don't forget to provide your feedback about our podcast!

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Episode Resources:  

  • Workshops: Click Here for more information! 
    • Small Ruminant Workshop
      Register at:
      When & Where: 
      • Kauai: May 4, 2023; 12:00PM - 4:00PM; KARC, 7370 Kuamoo Rd., Kapaʻa, HI 96746
      • Oahu: CLOSED
      • Hawaii Island - Kona: CLOSED
  • Hawaiʻi Beef Consumer Survey: 
  • USDA Marketing Service Local Meat Capacity Grant (nationwide)
  • FSA Program Updates
    • Center for Ag Profitability  Drought Webinar 
      • May 4, 2023 at 12:00pm central or 7:00am HST
    • Economics Behind the Meter on Farm Solar Electrics Systems
      • May 11, 2023 at 12:00pm central or 7:00am HST
    • Fire Up  Your Farm and Family Finances Webinar 
      • May 15, 2023 at 12:00pm central or 7:00am HST

Thanks for listening! Check out our other social media platforms!

Shannon Sand:

Aloha Today's episode is brought to you by the Western extension Risk Management Education Center. USDA NIFA, the University of Hawaii College of Tropical ag and human resources, the livestock extension group and the University of Nebraska Lincoln Center for Ag profitability.

Melelani Oshiro:

Aloha welcome to the livestock Walaʻau out a podcast aimed to provide educational support information, guidance and outreach to our livestock stakeholders in Hawaii and the rest of you out there in the US or anywhere else. So you're listening to us. We are your hosts, many with Cheryl and Shannon Sand. Today we're going to talk about what's going on this month in this little mini episode.

Shannon Sand:

All right, first and foremost, our survey, please provide feedback. It's something we are trying to run continuously so that we always have an idea of what y'all are looking for, um, that will be in the show notes in the description box below.

Melelani Oshiro:

That's right. And so a couple of updates, or I should say more so workshops that are coming up. I think we announced last month that we have a small ruminant workshop that we're doing, myself and Dr. Jenee Odani. So we did the first two sessions, one was on Oahu, and one was on Big Island. So thank you to our participants for coming into that. And it was a good workshop. We're coming to you Kauai on May 4, which is very short after we released this episode here. So registration is online, the links will be in the show notes of this podcast. If you can't find it anywhere, just look for our livestock Walaʻau online, it'll be on our workshop and field days page, or just send me an email. Happy to add you in there. I know it's on the Thursday, and it's in the afternoon from 12 to 4, we're gonna do a bunch of stuff. We have a short survey, I say short, you know, we're always asking for surveys. But it's pretty much to just ask our producers for some information and get information from them about what you're doing and stuff. And collect that data helps us to put together useful information for our workshops. We're also going to talk a bit about some pasture management or herd health stuff. And you will be able to get from famacha training with Dr. Odani and learn more stuff about using sort of the five point management systems and all kinds of stuff with small ruminant really focusing on sort of pasture and parasite management in your herd and the health aspects of all of that. So we are also offering to do fecal egg counts for any producers that want to have that done up to $10 for up to three samples. There is a small fee for the workshop because we are providing you a bunch of other materials and stuff goodies. So everything can be paid at the workshop day. But you do need to register because we needed me to know how many people are coming. We will be at the Kauai ag Research Station they're in up in Waialua. So, yeah, anyways, any more information you want. Let us know we posted a couple of clips on our social media pages from our last workshops that we did. So check it out. Hopefully it's something that you want to come to. Yeah. And for those folks that are on Kauai if anybody's listening we are also offering for the participant farm visits and whatnot. So we don't have a Extension Agent for livestock on Kauai currently. So it's between myself Dr. Odani Dr. Thorne, any of our other agents we wrangle into helping out there. But yeah, so try to help out when we can when we're on the island. So may 4th 12 to 4 Kauai we are going to be there for small ruminant workshops. So get on the list for registration if you want to participate. The other thing here we have is a reminder, our beef consumer survey, which is part of another project we myself and Shannon are both on is still open, and it's to help us gain a better understanding of consumers behavior and purchasing local beef. So it's a very short survey. You can access it using the links in the show notes. And all of course information that's collected is confidential and anonymous. If you have any questions again, you can email myself and they will shero or give a call to the office in Kona. Yeah, so some couple of funding opportunities that are out there. One is this local meat capacity grant program applications must be received by July 19 of this year through And the grant itself I'm going to take this directly from their RFP and you all can read it as well. But it is the USD ms, which is the Agricultural Marketing Service that's putting out this grant and it supports independently owned meat and poultry processing businesses with funds to provide more or better processing options for local livestock producers by helping modernize, increasing or diversifying and decentralizing meat and poultry processing capacity, including some support for rendering. So it's a pretty, pretty hefty grant that you can apply for nationwide. Right, I find your station. Yeah, it is nationwide. So, you know, yeah. But it's a good opportunity for anybody that is processing or looking into processing, or putting up some mobile units, or currently have mobile units that are great opportunity to improve what you have there to be able to increase your capacity and whatnot. So it's, you know, they're setting 75 million available under this grant. So it's a fairly large grant, you know, so don't be afraid if you guys have questions about the grant process and whatnot, you can always reach out to one of the agents in your area or give myself a call. And we can direct you to someone to help you or we can help you if we can, too. Yeah, so there's a couple different, there's another one, too, that's a simplified equipment only application. So that's a little bit but it's all part of this big. This big meat grant capacity grant. So yeah, great opportunity, especially with us trying to increase a lot of capacity in some of these larger areas. So check it out, if you're interested.

Shannon Sand:

Yep. And then also kind of coming up real quick. On May 4, there's a drought webinar that the Center for Ag profitability is hosting in conjunction with FSA to kind of go over options and stuff depending on where you are in the States. Or if you have family and friends that are in some of those drought afflicted states. And I was like, I know that there's part of the Big Island is still a little dry. So knowing how what you need in order to qualify in terms of record keeping and decision making and things like that, it'll be 12pm Central or 7am HST. But once you sign up, you can get access to the replay, basically. So you can check that out. And then the 11th is a really, I think, an interesting one, which is the economics behind the meter on farm solar electric systems. So I thought, That sounds really interesting, kind of like does it pay? How much does it pay depending on your size and stuff. And then the 15th is another webinar called Fire up your farm and family finances, I think that's something that we all feel like we need at certain times. So it's a really good one. It's focused on women in ag, but anybody can join, obviously. And it's it's really focused on kind of your finances and getting things in order and what all you need to do for that those are all free. All online. I believe they're all at 12 Central. 7am HST, but like I said, you can sign up and then get access to like replay within I want to say it's an hour or two. So yeah, pretty quick, pretty quick. So

Melelani Oshiro:

and when we you will have all those links

Shannon Sand:

to this.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah, absolutely.

Shannon Sand:

Well, I'm really excited about this next this, I say this next month, but this month's guest.

Melelani Oshiro:

So we have, um, David Ripplinger, from North Dakota State University Extension. Um, he's a specialist there with them. And he's gonna be talking about cattle and carbon. Yeah. Which is like,

Shannon Sand:

buzzwords that I feel like going around a lot nowadays. And also, I'm very grateful, because I feel like I now actually kind of understand. Yeah, what it did. That's like, yeah, and what exactly how you're using it, how

Melelani Oshiro:

people are using it started where it's gonna go, you know, it's it's a, it's a hot topic, I should say. And I think a lot a lot to be learned from it. So yeah, that will be released. Second Monday. of May. Since we're my first is actually on Monday. It'll be released the following Monday. But yeah, so he will be on there. It was a great, great conversation. And I think we both Shannon, I both learned a lot.

Shannon Sand:

Just Oh yeah. He's so smart. That's how I feel like Oh, yeah.

Melelani Oshiro:

He's been working on this stuff for the past decade to decade or two.

Shannon Sand:

Decades, decade and a half. He's not Yeah,

Melelani Oshiro:

yeah. So yeah. So this Yeah, this month, check it out. Cattle and carbon, that'd be it. It was an interesting talk. So

Shannon Sand:

it was very good. And, and David has a lot of background history and he's done a lot of research. Like I said, He's dealt with it for over a decade, but he also does a lot with energy and biofuels and just a lot of stuff related to that. It's very interesting talking to him. I feel like

Melelani Oshiro:

he's been here in the states doing a couple of talks on biofuels and bio energy. That's a lot of blur. Yeah,

Shannon Sand:

it's done a lot of work in that area. So and then this is gonna say May has a lot of exciting days and I feel like you know, may second is national tuna day.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah, May 5 National hoagie days so make it up with every year whatever your favorites are in there. Hmm,

Shannon Sand:

May 7 is national roast, leg of lamb day. That's Sounds amazing.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah. May 10, National shrimp day for aquaculturist there.

Shannon Sand:

And then the big one for someone on this podcast not me. May 14 is mother's day just in case you need a reminder for those special people in your lives or that special mother in your life, you know, the 14

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah, Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day to all of our, you know, mothers out there, whether their kids are raising livestock. I feel like you're still mothering something. Right? Yes. So may 16. National barbecue day,

Shannon Sand:

huh. And then may 28 There's a lot on map dancila Oh, it was it is national beef burger Day, National hamburger day and national brisket day. So all the day's combined. So yeah. Get your beef. Yeah. Make sure to follow us on our social media pages the livestock Walaʻau and the livestock extension group. If you haven't already. Be sure to visit the UH CTAHR Extension website, the Center for Ag profitability website, which is and our YouTube channel all listed in the show notes below.

Melelani Oshiro:

Yeah. For additional information about this or any other topics or comments send us an email at Thanks for listening to the livestock Walaʻau.

Shannon Sand:

Oh, before we go show some love for your favorite podcast by leaving us a review on Apple podcasts and stay tuned for the next

Melelani Oshiro:

episode. Thanks again to our sponsors the Western extension Risk Management Education Center, USD NIFA the livestock extension group and CTAHR and the University of Nebraska Lincoln Extension and Center for Ag profitability. Thanks again for listening to livestock Walaʻau Mini