Livestock Wala'au
Welcome to the Livestock Wala’au podcast. Brought to you by the Livestock Extension Group of the University of Hawaii Manoa College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources and the Center for Ag Profitability of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. A podcast aimed to provide educational support, information, guidance and outreach to livestock stakeholders in Hawaii and the rest of the U.S. Hosted by Extension Professionals Melelani Oshiro of UH Manoa CTAHR & Shannon Sand of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Livestock Wala'au
MINI S3 Ep. 7: October 2023 Updates
Aloha! In this mini-episode, we share some updates and events going on in October, as well as our upcoming guest Dirk Charlson, in our next episode! Check out the links below!
Check out our Feedback Fest survey!
Hawaiʻi Beef Consumer Survey:
- To better understand consumers' behavior when purchasing local beef, our team has created a short survey. You can access the survey by going to https://go.hawaii.edu/Xyk. All collected information is confidential and anonymous.
- If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Melelani Oshiro at mabran@hawaii.edu or (808) 322-0165.
Maui Producer Impact & Support Survey: Click Here
Hawaiʻi Cattlemen's Council - Fire Damage Reports: Click Here
Donate for Agriculture Relief on Maui
- You can donate funds through HRSF or through this link
- To donate animals for beef donation, contact Nicole Galase at nicole@hicattle.org.
Other links:
- HCC 2023 Convention & Annual Meeting: Click Here
- Ag Smart Money Week: Click Here
- CAP Updates: Click Here
- Western SARE Farmer/Rancher Grant: Click Here
- USDA-FSA-Hawaii & Pacific Basin State Office: Click Here
- Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) Updates: Click Here
Thanks for listening! Check out our other social media platforms!